Here, stories from Papua New Guinea, United States, Belgium, Brazil, and Indonesia.

Here, stories from Papua New Guinea, United States, Belgium, Brazil, and Indonesia.
A retiree’s journey to Adventism.
The organization’s Amputee Rehabilitation and Support Program turns 25.
Health-care organization has now 100,000 team members, leaders reported.
Stories from the Philippines, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, and Uruguay.
He replaces Bill Payne, director of Sabbath School and Personal Ministries at the NAD.
Stories from Peru, United States, Ukraine, Australia, and Croatia.
Seventh-day Adventists have a long tradition of using both personal and church resources to support those whose lives are threatened by hunger, poverty, […]
In Florida, U.S., Maranatha regional convention calls for more people to get involved.
This edition features stories from Brazil, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Russia, and the United States.
In this edition, stories from Ecuador, Sri Lanka, United States, Nepal, and Belarus.
He will transition to Adventist HealthCare after more than a decade of service.
California’s Strongest Man, a Loma Linda physician, shares tips to thrive.
This edition features stories from Indonesia, the U.S., Brazil, Australia, and Jamaica.
This edition features stories from Australia, Italy, Guinea-Bissau, the U.S., and Vietnam.
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